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What Is Memorial Day In Spanish

Memorial Day: A Day of Remembrance and Honor

Understanding Memorial Day

Memorial Day, also known as Decoration Day, is a federal holiday observed annually in the United States on the last Monday of May. It is a day set aside to honor and remember the men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. military.

Spanish Translation and Context

In Spanish, Memorial Day is commonly referred to as "Día de los Caídos." This term aptly captures the essence and purpose of the holiday, which is to commemorate the sacrifices made by fallen soldiers. The term "Día de los Caídos" conveys the solemn and respectful nature of the observance.

Example Sentences

* El Memorial Day es un día de recuerdo y homenaje a los soldados caídos. * En Estados Unidos se celebra el Día de los Caídos para honrar a los estadounidenses que perdieron la vida en la guerra. * El último lunes de mayo se conmemora el Día de los Caídos en honor a más de 13 millones de soldados estadounidenses que murieron en combate.

Additional Information

* The term "Día de los Caídos" is widely recognized and used in Spanish-speaking countries. * The phrase "Día festivo en EEUU en honor a los americanos caídos en la guerra" provides additional context for non-native speakers. * By incorporating these Spanish terms and phrases, non-native speakers can demonstrate their understanding and respect for the significance of Memorial Day.
